Connie's Connections was established in 2011 and became an LLC in 2018. The founder, Connie Mason, has over 20 years experience working in the area of workforce development in the Pee Dee Area. She has worked with various federal workforce programs and community agencies. She has volunteered for years helping ministering to the homeless and helping others in need. She uses her experience and skills to help individuals obtain information and services to become gainfully employed.
Connie loves to partner with any entity that exists to improve the quality of life of others. For the last several years, she has volunteered in the Florence community and surrounding area with the Helping Florence Flourish (HFF) Jobs for Life Program. She is also is involved with the HFF Serve-Flo area of service which includes The Tara Village Project of Lamb's Chapel Church [Lonnie Curl, Jr. Pastor], of which she is a member. She is working with the Tara Village community leader (Vincent Johnson) and others to obtain grant funds to transform the old baseball fields into an area that will provide much needed community activities and services. His vision is to bring community services to the Tara Village community and to help youth by providing mentoring, financial literacy, helping them to obtain employability skills training, and to foster an entrepreneurial spirit. If you or your organization would like to assist in some way, please contact us.

Connie, while working with Pee Dee Council Of Governments (PDCOG), is assisting in a ribbon cutting ceremony for the Grand Opening of a Career Resource Center that she helped to create at a local pharmaceutical plant (Roche Carolina) before it closed and laid off workers. She worked in coordination with SC Works Pee Dee Systems Coordinator Mamie Legette and Plant Manager, Rudy Moffett to accomplish this task . PDCOG assigned Connie as the part-time career center manager. (The plant was later sold and the career center was dismantled.)
Connie is proudly standing with graduates of the Jobs for Life class of 2019 of which she was the site leader and one of the facilitators. The class was held at the First Presbyterian Church with the assistance of many volunteers. Jobs for Life is supported by Helping Florence Flourish (HFF) and is listed under the Restoration of the Family area of service. For more information about HFF please click or copy the link below: